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Best of 2017 Readers Eye: Provincetown, USA.

a blue chair on a beach

As the year comes to a close, all this week I will be looking back at some of the images shared with {Tech} for Travel by my readers and other bloggers.  To see all of the reader images that headed up the weekly round-ups during 2017, view them here.

Provincetown, USA.

After the hustle and bustle of the lead up to Xmas and the big day itself, why not picture yourself sat here!  Feet up, sun warming the skin and……….. silence!!

First Featured: September 24th, 2017.

Since first seeing this image by Frank, who runs, there have been a few times when I have let my mind drift off to the thought of being sat here.  Usually on a packed tube train at the end of a stressful day!

“If you have a desire to grow personally or professionally, have a need for training, facilitation or other consultations, curious about technology and social media. You are in the right place.

I offer individual, professional, corporate and academic services including; team leadership, content development, distance learning & pedagogy, digital & social media landscaping, group facilitation, change leadership, diversity & cultural humility workshops, social and digital media policy development and other workplace arenas.

Ultimately, the flexibility of my style is that together we shape the process and the goals. If you don’t see something listed, ask!  My background is diverse and many of my professional partners, come to me because they need a consultant who, like them, doesn’t fit a “one-stop, shop mold”.Frank Strona.

If you have a photograph you would like to see featured in the 2018 Readers Eye section of {Tech} for Travels weekly post, then please contact

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