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Weekly Round-Up: Cape Verde, Africa.

a beach with blue water and mountains in the background

Readers Eye

Our Readers Eye, this week, takes us to place I had never heard about until I met Nicoleta from

Nicoleta travels extensively and runs blog where she talks about her travels, learning foreign languages and how these two are connected.

“This picture was taken in Cape Verde, an archipelago close to Africa, where the water is as mesmerizingly blue as you can see in the picture ( #nofilter needed) and the locals are genuinely kind, which I have written about on my blog.

The weather is constantly just fine, sunny, but not overwhelmingly hot, and there is always a nice breeze. I went there for two weeks in February last year and quickly returned for another month. If you give it a chance, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too!

Make sure to try the local dish, cachupa, it’s yummy.” ~ Nicoleta.


If you’d like to highlight your blog or business by sharing an image from your travels please get in touch.

On the Site

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In Other News

Great news for Android owners who may have seen, and wanted, the Motiv ring from #CES2017. Motiv has launched an open beta phase on the Google Play store to support their wearable smart ring.

Samsung have made some big enhancements to its Gear Fit2 line of fitness trackers.

Have you ever wanted to improve your Video content when capturing with your Smart phone? Dave from iOgrapher recently held, and recorded, their first workshop which is well worth any digital content creators time!

Deals & Offers

Lenovo: Easter Sale, offers end 8th April.

Tracker: Save with Buy 3 get 2 Free on the Bravo.

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