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TECH: Note7 Nightmare Continues

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Some could see this coming the moment reports began to leak that the newly replaced handsets started to show the same failures as the original faulty units!

Samsung Stop Sales of Note7, Globally.

Today, 11th October, Samsung have released a press statement confirming they are ceasing sales of their Note7 handset and recommend anyone who owns one to return it for an exchange.

Samsung Will Ask All Global Partners to Stop Sales and Exchanges of Galaxy Note7 While Further Investigation Takes Place

on October 11, 2016
We are working with relevant regulatory bodies to investigate the recently reported cases involving the Galaxy Note7. Because consumers’ safety remains our top priority, Samsung will ask all carrier and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7 while the investigation is taking place.
We remain committed to working diligently with appropriate regulatory authorities to take all necessary steps to resolve the situation. Consumers with either an original Galaxy Note7 or replacement Galaxy Note7 device should power down and stop using the device and take advantage of the remedies available.

Most providers here in the UK are on top of this situation (or had seen it coming!) and are taking to social media to provide updates.

Having only launched at the start of August, and billed as possibly the best handset of 2016, the Note7 timeline has gone from bad to worst possible scenario imaginable.


p style=”padding-left:120px;”>2nd Aug – Note7 Launched

19th Aug – First handsets go on sale

24th Aug – Reports begin to surface of exploding device

2nd Sept – Samsung begin a voluntary recall program

15th Sept – Samsung announce a formal recall program

1st Oct – Sales begin again, starting in South Korea

6th Oct – New reports on replacement handsets catching fire

9th Oct – Some US carriers cease sales of the Note7

11th Oct – Samsung cease all worldwide sales, and advise people to stop using the device

Some news outlets are also highlighting the response and information Samsung are sharing around the cause of this issue.  I fail to see how this would protect them at this stage given the downward spiral this handset has been on since launch.  Unless of course it was something they may have already been aware of!

We will have to wait and see as Samsung work hard to fix this and when, or if, they will put this otherwise great smartphone back on the market!

UPDATED 11th October 1645hrs bst:

Samsung have now stopped production of the Note7 as per their breif statement on Twitter.

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